Monte Carlo Simulations


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A set of simulated data (Monte Carlo - MC) corresponding to the collision data is made available. All directly available MC datasets can be found with this search. Furthermore, large amount of MC, thought to be of less frequent use, is available on demand and included in search results if "include on-demand datasets" option is selected.

MC dataset are searchable by categories, which can be found under "Filter by category" on the left bar of the search page.

The dataset name consists of three parts separated by / e.g.:


The first part indicates the simulated physics process (DYToMuMu), some of the production parameters (M-15To50_Tune4C), collision energy (8TeV), and the event generator used in the processing chain. CMS simulated datasets names gives more details in the naming. The second part is the production campaign (Summer12_DR53X), pile-up profile (PU_S10) and processing conditions (START53_V19), and the last one indicates the data format (AODSIM).

Dataset contents


The dataset naming reflects the contents of the dataset, and the actual generator parameters with which the dataset contents have been defined can be found as explained under "Finding the generator parameters" in the CMS Monte Carlo production overview.


CMS Monte Carlo production overview briefly describes the steps in the MC production chain.

Data format

The data format in use for Run1 MC data is Analysis Object Data (AODSIM). A brief description of data formats can be found in the introductory About CMS under "Primary and simulated datasets".